As a kid, what did you look forward to most about summer vacation/break/holiday?
In Finland we enjoy a long summer vacation. I  remember looking forward to being able to read a lot of books (children's novels not homework!), swimming (used to spend days in the lake) and visiting grandmom's farm (used to love cows and hen). This is what I remember, but I have suspicion that I basicly wanted the school to finish and the freedom to begin!

Secret Pal 12 emännät kyselevät, että mitä asioita lapsena odotti kesälomalta. Miun vastaus on, että lukemista, uimista ja mummolan vierailuja. Näin nyt muistelen, vaikkakin epäilen, että todellisuudessa vain odotin koulun loppuvan ja vapauden koittavan!